Sunday, February 9, 2014

How Does Credit Card Processing Work? - Principis Capital

Great informative video about who's who in the world of credit card processing and what role the processor plays in your business.

Understanding Ecommerce, Merchant Accounts and Shopping Carts

In this video I help explain Ecommerce, merchant account and shopping carts and how they relate to each other. I also give some comparisons of some of the most popular options, and tell you which ones are the best.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Merchant Account Basics

Having a merchant account to process credit cards onlines is a definite advantage to any person venturing into the world of eCommerce. Be aware, though, that while merchant accounts can provide an avenue to higher conversions, lower processing rates and ease of manageability, having it shut down can be a disaster to your business. Ask the right questions NOW to prevent business disaster later.